A future in the hands of the youngest generations

The family is one of the main foundations of any community and economy worldwide. This is because the family environment provides the best conditions for each human being to develop their full potential and be prepared for the challenges of adult life.

Some of the benefits that families can provide for the development of human beings who can contribute to society are:

- Living place

- Food

- Emotional Support

- Health

- Education (at least secondary)

Depending on the particular situation of the family, one of the parents can dedicate himself to obtaining economic resources for his family while the other focuses on other responsibilities related to raising and caring for the home.

In other cases, both parents can contribute financially to support their households, while they look for alternatives for the care of their children and the home. Whatever the situation, the development of new talents, professionals, entrepreneurs, workers, etc; It is mostly possible, thanks to the time and resources of parents who put in the effort to provide what is necessary for their children.

The presence of larger shares of families headed by married parents is associated with a lower incidence of violent crime, even when accounting for various socio-demographic factors at the state level. For states in the top quintile of married parenthood, the average rate of violent crime (measured as violent crimes per 100,000 people) is 343, while states in the bottom quintile average a rate of 563. This finding is significant because high crime rates can decrease quality of life and living standards and are linked to lower levels of economic growth and mobility.

If we analyze the statistics and trends in the creation of families in the United States, we will see that the number of homes that are projected for the coming years do not seem to be encouraging numbers.

The pew research center states that there has been a significant shift in family dynamics. Two-parent households are becoming less common, while divorce, remarriage, and cohabitation are becoming more prevalent. Additionally, families are smaller due to both the increase in single-parent households and the decrease in fertility rates. Parenthood circumstances have also changed, as fewer children are being born and more births occur to single women or those living with non-marital partners. As a result of these changes, the role of mothers in both the home and the workplace has transformed. With more mothers entering the workforce, many have become breadwinners and, in some cases, the primary provider for their families. (Soruce) 

Fertility rates have been decreasing since the end of the post-World War II baby boom, resulting in smaller family sizes. In the mid-1970s, the largest group (40%) of mothers who had finished having children had given birth to four or more children. However, today only 14% of mothers at the end of their childbearing years have had four or more children, while a similar share (41%) have had two children. In addition, the proportion of mothers aged 40 to 44 who have had only one child has doubled since 1976, increasing from 11% to 22%. The percentage of mothers with three children has remained relatively constant at around 25%.

The consequences of these statistics may seem like simple unimportant numbers, but their long-term effect has an overall impact on the quality of life in communities.

As the working population ages and retires, the number of professionals entering the labor market is affected by declining fertility rates that provide fewer and fewer young people to meet market demands. In the same way, If the adult population continues to increase and requires social security to survive; there will be more and more adults retired than active workers. This will aggravate the taxes of the working class in order to sustain the older population and their needs. (Source)

This demonstrates that the creation of families is a basic component for the sustenance and development of societies and any effort to create and sustain a family is an effort to improve our quality of life and that of future generations. For this reason, it is important that we defend the rights, programs, and institutions that promote and protect the organization of families and that governments encourage and promote the formation of families in their comforts while providing tools so that they can be sustainable. Through education, health, tax reduction, etc.


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